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Images in Nuxt.js



The tailwind starter blog has out of the box support for Nuxt.js's built-in image component and automatically swaps out default image tags in markdown or mdx documents to use the Image component provided.


To use in a new page route / javascript file, simply import the image component and call it e.g.

    <h1>My Homepage</h1>
    <nuxt-img src="/me.png" alt="Picture of the author" width={500} height={500} />
    <p>Welcome to my homepage!</p>

For a markdown file, the default image tag can be used and the default img tag gets replaced by the Image component in the build process.

Assuming we have a file called ocean.jpg in data/img/ocean.jpg, the following line of code would generate the optimized image.


Alternatively, since we are using mdx, we can just use the image component directly! Note, that you would have to provide a fixed width and height. The img tag method parses the dimension automatically.

<nuxt-img alt="ocean" src="/images/ocean.jpg" width={256} height={128} />

Note: If you try to save the image, it is in webp format, if your browser supports it!


Photo by [YUCAR FotoGrafik]( on [Unsplash](


  • Smaller image size with Webp (~30% smaller than jpeg)
  • Responsive images - the correct image size is served based on the user's viewport
  • Lazy loading - images load as they are scrolled to the viewport
  • Avoids Cumulative Layout Shift
  • Optimization on demand instead of build-time - no increase in build time!
